You've forgotten your password?
Email address and/or password were not recognized.
Have you entered your email address and your password exactly the same way, as you did when you registerd on our online-shop? Also remember that your password is case-sensitive so check you are using the correct combination of upper and lower case.

Did you receive an confirmation email about your registration from us? You haven't received one, then your email address/password is not yet activated in our system. Try it again, after you received our confirmation email.

You've forgotten your password.
Please enter your email address into the following field. Afterwards please click the "Continue" button, in order to sent your inquiry to our system. Our system will generate a new password that is assigned to this email address. This will be sent by email to the specified email address.

Need help?


Advice and articles
Steve Mikolasch
+49 (0)89 23 88 73 - 262
Order and shipping
Technical support
Stephan Mock
+49 (0)89 23 88 73 - 12

Roland Kaiser
+49 (0)89 23 88 73 - 12

Mohamed Aboudib
+49 (0)89 23 88 73 - 12

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